Spare Parts


Item Version Unit
045-11010-01-002 UPPER LID By the each
045-11012-01-003 COVER PLUG By the each
045-11012-02-010 SPACER By the each
045-11012-03-007 OIL BAFFLE By the each
045-11012-04-003/3A WORM (5M) By the each
045-11012-04-005 WORM GEAR 27T By the each
045-11012-04-008 OIL BAFFLE By the each
045-11012-04-009 SPACER By the each
045-11012-06-001 BEVEL PINION By the each
045-11012-06-006 OIL BAFFLE By the each
045-11012-07-001 KNOB FOR SHIFT HANDLE By the each
045-11012-07-002 SHIFT HANDLE By the each
045-11012-07-005 SHIFT SELECTOR By the each
045-11012-07-006 ECCENTRIC SHAFT By the each
045-11012-11-004 LIFT HANDLE By the each
045-11020-07-005A CONTROL PANEL By the each
045-11030-01-005 CASE-TRANSMISSION By the each
045-11030-01-008 SEAT OF REAR COVER By the each
045-11030-01-016 PLUG By the each
045-11030-05-001 MOTOR By the each
045-11030-05-001B REAR COVER By the each
045-11030-10-004 BOWL SUPPORT By the each
045-11031-01-002 RETAINER -BEARING By the each
045-11031-01-004 GEAR HOUSE COVER By the each
045-11031-02-001 MAIN SHAFT By the each
045-11031-02-002 SLEEVE DRIVE By the each
045-11031-02-003 GEAR By the each
045-11031-02-004 BEVEL GEAR By the each
045-11031-02-005 GEAR By the each
045-11031-02-006 CLUTCH COPPER BUSHING By the each
045-11031-02-007 CLUTCH By the each
045-11031-02-008 GEAR By the each
045-11031-02-009 SPACER By the each
045-11031-02-011 DETAIN-FIXED COVER By the each
045-11031-02-012 SPRING SHEET By the each
045-11031-02-013 PIN By the each
045-11031-03-001 GEAR SHAFT By the each
045-11031-03-002 HIGH SPEED GEAR (32 T) By the each
045-11031-03-004 33T GEAR By the each
045-11031-03-005 23T GEAR By the each
045-11031-03-006 SPACER By the each
045-11031-04-004 SHAFT-WORM GEAR By the each
045-11031-04-007 SPACER By the each
045-11031-05-006/60HZ GOVERNOR PLATE By the each
045-11031-05-007/60HZ GOVERNOR By the each
045-11031-06-005 THUMB SCREW By the each
045-11031-07-001 KNOB-SHIFT HANDLE By the each
045-11031-07-002 SHIFT HANDLE By the each
045-11031-07-003 BASE ASSY-HANDLE By the each
045-11031-07-004 SHAFT-SHIFT ECCENTRIC By the each
045-11031-07-007 SCREW By the each
045-11031-07-008 SHIFT FORK PLUNGER By the each
045-11031-07-009 FIXING SHAFT-SHIFTER By the each
045-11031-07-011 COMPRESSION SPRING By the each
045-11031-07-012 COMPRESSION SPRING By the each
045-11031-08-001 18T GEAR By the each
045-11031-08-002 GEAR By the each
045-11031-08-003 HEAD RING By the each
045-11031-08-004 PLANETARY HEAD By the each
045-11031-08-005 AGITATING SHAFT By the each
045-11031-08-006 SPACER By the each
045-11031-08-007 TAPERED PIN By the each
045-11031-09-002 SLIDEWAY By the each
045-11031-09-003 APRON By the each
045-11031-09-004 BASE By the each
045-11031-09-006 COMUMN COVER By the each
045-11031-09-007 PLATE By the each
045-11031-09-009 SEAT OF CONTACTOR By the each
045-11031-10-001A BOWL CLAMP (LEFT) By the each
045-11031-10-001B BOWL CLAMP (RIGHT) By the each
045-11031-10-002 BOWL LOCATING PIN By the each
045-11031-10-003 RETAINER BOWL By the each
045-11031-11-001 LIFTING BAR By the each
045-11031-11-002 LIFTING HANDLE BRACKET By the each
045-11031-11-003 INNER ARM By the each
045-11031-11-005 COMPRESSION SPRING By the each
045-11031-12-001 BOWL By the each
045-11031-12-002 BEATER By the each
045-11031-12-003 SPIRAL HOOK By the each
045-11031-12-004 WIRE WHIP By the each
045-11031-13-003A FIXED RING By the each
045-11031-13-006 SEAT OF LIMIT SWITCH By the each
045-11031-E-010 CAPACITOR By the each
045-11032-09-008 COLUMN COVER By the each
045-11091-06-004 ATTACHMENT HOLE PLUG By the each
045-BM20-06-003A HUB ATTACHMENT By the each
045-BM30-09-001 COLUMN By the each
045-BM30-13-002A SLIDING OPENER By the each
045-BR-5204Z BALL BEARING By the each
045-BR-6201Z BALL BEARING By the each
045-BR-6202Z BALL BEARING By the each
045-BR-6203Z BALL BEARING 6203Z By the each
045-BR-6203ZZ BALL BEARING 6203ZZ By the each
045-BR-6204Z BALL BEARING 6204Z By the each
045-BR-6205Z BALL BEARING By the each
045-CABLE-14-3C-UL CABLE By the each
045-CG-20 COLLAR By the each
045-CN18 CONTACTOR By the each
045-CT-BA4&CT-BZ102 BUTTON SWITCH By the each
045-GM20-07-010 SHIFT FORK By the each
045-GM30-13-001A REAR COVER OF GUARD By the each
045-IB-2C ON/OFF SWITCH By the each
045-KR-1/4 1/4 25 KEY By the each
045-KR-1/41 /4 45 KEY By the each
045-KRR-1/8 1/8 28 KEY 1/8''*18/''*28 By the each
045-KRR-5 5 13 KEY 5*5*13 By the each
045-KRR-5 5 15 KEY 5*5*15 By the each
045-KRR-5 5 30 KEY 5*5*30 By the each
045-NUT-1/2 20NF NUT 1/2*20NF By the each
045-NUT-3/4 16NF-26 10 NUT By the each
045-NUT-3/8 16NC NUT 3/8*16NC By the each
045-NUT-5/16 18NC NUT By the each
045-OR-33.5 37.5 2 O RING 33.5*37.5*2 By the each
045-OR-G60 O RING By the each
045-OR-P35 O SNAP RING P35 By the each
045-OR-P9 O SNAP RING P10 By the each
045-OS-TC25 40 07 OIL SEAL TC25*40*07 - replaced by 045-OS-TC25 40 10 By the each
045-OS-TC25 40 08 OIL SEAL By the each
045-OS-TC28 52 10 OIL SEAL By the each
045-OS-TC32 47 10 OIL SEAL By the each
045-S-1/2 3/4 BOLT By the each
045-S-1/4 5/8 BOLT By the each
045-S-3/16 1/2 BOLT By the each
045-S-3/8 1 BOLT By the each
045-S-3/8 1-1/2 BOLT By the each
045-S-3/8 1-1/4 BOLT By the each
045-S-5/16 1 BOLT By the each
045-S-C-1/4 1 CAP SCREW 1/4*1 By the each
045-S-C-1/4 3/4 CAP SCREW By the each
045-S-C-1/4 5/8 CAP SCREW 1/4*5/8 By the each
045-S-C-3/8 1-1/2 CAP SCREW By the each
045-S-C-5/16 1 CAP SCREW By the each
045-S-C-5/16 1-1/4 CAP SCREW 5/16*1-1/4 By the each
045-S-C-5/16 3/4 CAP SCREW By the each
045-S-S-5/16 1-1/4 SET SCREW By the each
045-S-S5/16 1 SET SCREW By the each
045-S-S5/16 3/8 SET SCREW 5/16*3/8 By the each
045-SB-6 STEEL BALL 6 By the each
045-SPP-10 24 SPRING PIN By the each
045-SPP-4 25 SPRING PIN By the each
045-SPP-6 28 SPRING PIN By the each
045-SPP-8 24 SPRING PIN By the each
045-STW-S19 C SNAP RING By the each
045-SW-3/8 SPRING WASHER 3/8 By the each
045-SW-5/16 SPRING WASHER By the each
045-TE XB7 EA31 BUTTON SWITCH By the each
045-TM615C TIMER By the each
045-TP-4 24 SPRING PIN By the each
045-TP-4 32 TAPERED PIN 4*32 By the each
045-WAGO 261-301 TERMINAL BLOCK By the each
045-WB-1/2 FLAT WASHER By the each
045-Z15GQ22B LIMIT SWITCH By the each